5th June 2015

Why To Learn Web Development

lmost everybody around you are learning web development now a days? And now you are searching for the exact reason that why everybody is going this way? Let me tell you the 5 reasons that why one should learn web development. I hope after reading this short and well explained article you will also equip your self with this great skill. Cutting the long story short, here are the 5 reasons: 1- High Income Potential: In the increasing trend of business and entrepreneurship all around the world it has become necessary for everyone to have a personal and a professional website. […]
5th June 2015

Web Development: A proper post launch strategy

If you take one lesson away from these blogs it’s the importance of a post launch strategy. Almost every word I’ve written, every blog we’ve posted is about a post launch strategy. Link building is part of it, social media management is part of it, deciding if you want PPC is another. Every single one of these things is part of your post-launch strategy. But is there a specific order with which to do things? The simple answer is no, but there are certainly things to avoid, and things to tick off your list, to make the transition from pre-launch […]
2nd June 2015


here are many who prefer to use WordPress to develop their website, while some like to use PHP website. By understanding its different features, the individual can take a better a better decision to use the one that would perfectly fit his website requirements. What is PHP and its features? It is a language, which is designed specifically for web programming having built-in integration along with well known database open source MySQL. The reasons for many to use PHP for creating a website are as follows: East to begin with: Starting with PHP is easy as a beginner. The user […]
14th February 2015

Learn CSS With Puns & Jokes

Most web design languages tend to be quite sober. We can’t help that; we’re very serious about what we do. HTML. PHP. JavaScript. Not even a little smile from them. But when it comes to CSS, things can be quite different. Things can be hilarious! The CSS Puns & Jokes Series : #titanic .sniper-mode-engaged #periodic #chucknorris #nsa .oliver-queen .ninja .obese .yomama .wife .delorean .illuminati
11th February 2015

Why Your Website Should Be Mobile Friendly

Industry experts agree – in the near future, we will witness a dynamic growth of everything that relates to mobile. The use of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets is on the rise – Cisco predicts that by 2018, there will be more mobile devices connected to the internet than people on earth! Mobile platforms can be used by brands to foster consumer engagement – in fact, mobile is expected to become increasingly important in providing a great user experience and improve conversion rates. That’s why web developers should never forget to optimize their websites for mobile devices. How to […]