Homz (Website)
18th March 2023
Supermarket E-commerce (Website)
18th March 2023
PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap for Responsive Design
Education Website
About website :
- Start learning for free.
- Build Data Skills Online.
- Courses taught by industry leaders around the world.
- All courses, upcoming courses, free webinars & workshops
- E-certificate for every user who have completed courses & users can download
- Users can register themselves with email & WhatsApp number
- Payment gateway integration for users to buy courses from website
- There will be reviews, Ratings & testimonials
- An extra YouTube Tab to feature YouTube videos
- Membership plans for users through which users will get some extra benefits like coupons, discounts, gift cards, etc.
- Users can post a doubt on forum page & they can also answer others doubt on the same forum. Users can see others doubt but If any user wants to post a doubt or answer it, they will need to login.
- There will be an option of affiliate marketing and if users want to affiliate any course then they can fill up a form & enable it. Total earnings & wallet will be maintained for every affiliate user.
- Users can post blogs in to the website & there will be a reward system through which users can earn certain points on writing a certain number of lines.
- Users can also become a campus ambassador by filling up a form. A selection process will be there & after approval user can become campus ambassador.
- Users will earn a certificate after becoming a campus ambassador.
- User can also apply for a personal tutor. By clicking on personal tutor, user will need to fill up a form & submit it & a personal tutor will be allotted.
- There will be an option to join the company by applying for job within the website
- Help & support will be there & there will be a contact form through which user can contact.
- Users can also partner with the company by clicking on partner with us & fill up the form.
- There will be a section of success story on which, users will be able to upload their success story & describe their experience with the organization. They can also upload some photos for extra information as well.
- There will be tabs of about us, our vision, our mission, etc.
- There will a chat bot & WhatsApp icon in the home screen that will hover over