Skill Job Mela (Android App)
21st April 2018Improve Thru
20th June 2018Technology
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstarp for Responsive Design
Dictionary Website
knowledge pit has following features :
- knowledge pit is an online 'dictionary' based completely on its user's contribution. users can create 'titles' and insert relevant entry under each title. titles can range from exotic terms, to slang words, to historical/recent events and more.
- This has a lot lot more features like..
- You can create profile to post in KnowPit
- You can post Title & Entry Under Title
- You can add coments/entries under other people's title and vice versa.
- Pleaple can like/dislike title or entry.
- You can Flag/Report user/entry/title.
- You can share post or title or entry over various social media platform.
- You can also follow a user or their post or title/entry to get the upadtes over it.
- Users have more than 20 roles (or you can say status like Writter, moderator, etc) based on your activeness, quality of post, number of likes/dislikes, followers, shares, comments, etc.
- You can also send other user a buddy request and can chat with your buddies.
- You can chat with any users in personal or group chat.
- You can also see number of online users. Specifically, number of online users in website only and number of online users in chatter (a place for group chat in knowpit).
- Even admin has also a full control over user panel, like..
- Admin can manage all the users, titles, entries, etc.
- For any user to get registered in knowpit there are two types of verification.