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20th August 2021
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24th August 2021So, you have decided to choose a professional IT company. It is a great option to sharpen your skills in Information Technology. XpertLab Technologies Private Limited is not enough to give you the right job. You have to explore your skills professionally. For this joining a professional IT company is a great option. And as a result, you will be employed soon with satisfied salary packages. But before selecting any one particular training company you have to analyze the company on the basis of certain parameters. If the company satisfied all those parameters then you can join the training program of the company.
Following are the parameters to check for professional IT training company.
1) How to check Quality of education?
You must check whether IT training company provides high quality education? You can attend demonstrative lectures and check the quality of education provides by the trainers in the class. Check whether their method of teaching is suitable for you.
2) Trainer knowledge:
Check the level of trainer in the IT training company. Whether they are enough qualified to train you? if possible meet them personally and discuss about the course and its future. Check their experience level by discussion. You can also check their LinkedIn Profile.
3) Practical sessions:
Practical sessions for IT training is necessary. You must have practical knowledge for the course you have applied for. If you have complete theoretical knowledge then no company will ready to hire you. You must have to develop practical skills. Ask about the practical sessions schedule. Ask what is the ratio of practical sessions and theory sessions?
4) Approach:
Ask about training approach of the IT training company. Whether they are opting one to one training or arranging classroom teaching? If classroom training then what is the strength of students? If you find problem in some of classroom sessions then whether they are organizing extra lecture to train you specially? Check all these parameters well so that you will be ease in getting training.
5) Courses:
Check the availability of the courses in the IT training company. The course which you want to pursue is being there in the IT training company or not? Whether they have previously given training for this course? What is the result of trainees who have appeared for those course from this IT training company?
6) Materials:
Material quality is also important to check. Whether the language used in the material is suitable for you? Are you able to understand things from the given material? You can demand for disclose only. And you can go through the material well. You can also ask whether the materials are updating regularly or not?
7) How to check Placement records?
Check placement records of the IT training company. What is the ratio of placement each year? Whether recognized companies are coming for hiring? Whether all the students getting chance to opt for placements? In which cities placements can be done? How many years after training they are supporting to get the right job? Whether they are providing regularly placement assistance after the training sessions?
Sometimes overall placement ratio shows good attractive percentage. But particular course placement ration is important. You must check placement ratio of those passed out hired trainees who have chosen the course which you want to apply. You have to check it by yourself from the numbers given on the website or by asking to the HR. They will not give you placement records course wise. You have to find it by your own and judge the company. Though many other factors are associated with placement may some of those passed out trainees are not qualified enough. But this is the good technique to predict your own placement.
8) Enquire from Alumni:
Best way to check It training company is to ask senior passed out students. they will give you complete environment of the company. Whether trainers are efficient enough to teach? Whether basic facilities are available for teaching? What is average placement ratio? Whether they are demanding any extra fees other than negotiated? All these news of the company you can get from the Alumni. Do not hesitate to talk with them.
9) Flexible timings:
Ask for the time of sessions. Check whether it is comfortable for you? If you are student and going college regularly or you may be doing part time job then it would be difficult to adjust time from your side. So, Ask trainer about
10) Comparison:
You can compare various IT training companies based on their placement records course wise, timings, experience level of trainers, basic facilities, distance from the home, fees etc these are the major practical factors you must consider it to select best for you. Do cost benefit analysis of the company.
11) Check Online rating:
Check ratings of the IT training company. IT training companies have their website. You can check ratings of past trainees who have completed their training from specific company. Now there are various portals for checking IT training company. You can check the IT training rating for the particular company and accordingly you can judge the company in a better way.
12) Continue support:
Check whether the company is giving support after the completion of the training? If you have doubts or problems about concepts whether you can go there?
13) Authorization:
xCheck whether the company is approved from the government rules and regulations? Whether they are giving right invoice of training fees? Check the registration and authorization of the company.
XpertLab is the best IT training company that provides the best professional training with Job placement.