Ecstasy Foods (Website)
19th June 2021Tata Dealer (Website)
23rd June 2021Technology
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstarp for Responsive Design
5Brain Abilities has Following Features :
- Main Purpose Of 5Brain Getting to know how the brain works and its abilities is a step closer to better understand our children’s potential and learning behaviour.
- Developed by Dr. Caroline Kwok Ed, D from Hong Kong, the simple assessment assesses the 5 brain abilities of – Attention, Cognitive Visual, Memory, Logical Reasoning and Brain Speed.
- The 5 brain abilities Assessment put your child in a series of game-based activities that test for their attention and resilience, image recognition, eye-hand coordination, listening, memory span, reasoning and deduction and thinking processes.