Care Clinique
7th February 2018
7th February 2018
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstarp for Responsive Design
Student Insights has Following Features :
- Student Insights has been created to provide complete support with all of your tracking, monitoring and reporting needs.
- The introduction of the new 1-9 grading is an exciting and challenging time for schools and departments.
- We endeavor to bring on board all subject areas and exam boards over time but at the moment are focused on a generic KS3 tracker that can be used by any department if their schools adopts the 1-9 attainment system.
- This can be extended and developed to become an interactive and dynamic mark book for all subject and any year group.
- Student Insights is another Synonym for Excel Spread Sheet which provides much more features than Excel Spread Sheet. Or you can simply say it is an online PHP Based Spread Sheet