Release React Native 0.75

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The release of React Native 0.75 marks a significant milestone with a series of impactful updates and changes aimed at improving performance, stability, and the overall developer experience. Below, we provide a comprehensive overview of the enhancements, new features, and breaking changes included in this version.

For those interested in the previous version, you can review the details of React Native 0.74 by visiting the following link: Release React Native 0.74.0.


Highlights 🚀

Enhancements in Yoga 3.1 and Layout Improvements

React Native 0.75 includes Yoga 3.1, which brings several enhancements and new layout capabilities. One of the key highlights is the support for percentage values in layout properties such as gaps and translation. These updates provide more flexible and responsive design options, available exclusively in the New Architecture. Users interested in these features should consider migrating to the updated architecture.

Stabilizing the New Architecture

This release continues the journey towards stabilizing the New Architecture. Since its Beta announcement at React Conf, multiple bug fixes and improvements have been made:

  • Font Size Adjustment on Android: Fixed issues with adjustsFontSizeToFit.
  • Text Alignment: Resolved textAlign not working with inline views on Android.
  • Text Baseline: Addressed text baseline issues on iOS.

Collaborations and New APIs

  • Expo Integration: New Architecture support information is now available in the React Native Directory, simplifying library compatibility checks.
  • Stable API for TurboModules: A new stable API for accessing the jsi::Runtime in TurboModules is introduced, providing a secure method for native modules to interact with the runtime.

Frameworks and Productivity

React Native 0.75 reinforces the recommendation to build apps using frameworks like Expo for enhanced productivity and a superior developer experience.

  • Template Migration: The /template folder has been moved to @react-native-community/template, allowing for faster updates and better community maintenance.
  • Sunsetting react-native init: The react-native init command will be deprecated on December 31st, 2024. After this date, use npx create-expo-appfor Expo or npx @react-native-community/cli init for the Community CLI. Other commands like react-native config will continue to work as usual.
  • Auto-Linking Performance Improvements: The auto-linking logic has been rewritten for better performance, with significant speed improvements on both Android and iOS.

Breaking changes ⚙️

Touchables in TypeScript

Touchables like TouchableOpacity and TouchableHighlight are now functional components and cannot be used as types in generic expressions.

import { TouchableHighlight } from 'react-native';
const ref = useRef<TouchableHighlight>();

Instead, use React.ElementRef or the View type.

import { TouchableHighlight } from 'react-native';
const ref1 = useRef<React.ElementRef<typeof TouchableHighlight>>();
// or
const ref2 = useRef<View>();

End of Support for Older Platforms

React Native 0.75 is the last version to support minSdk 23 (Android 6.0) and minIOSVersion 13.4. Starting with React Native 0.76, the minimum supported versions will be Android 7.0 (minSdk 24) and iOS 15.1. More details can be found in the official announcements for Android and iOS.

Removal of JSIModule on Android

The com.facebook.react.bridge.JSIModule API, initially introduced to facilitate direct JSI access for Native Modules on Android, has been retired. The deprecation in version 0.74 saw minimal usage, leading to its complete removal in 0.75. Developers should transition to using Turbo Native Modules for similar functionality.

Changes to Android PopUp Menu

In a move to modularize the core functionalities, the Android PopUpMenu has been extracted to a separate package. The following core methods have been deprecated:

  • UIManagerModule.showPopupMenu()
  • UIManagerModule.dismissPopupMenu()

Developers should now use the <PopupMenuAndroid /> component from the @react-native/popup-menu-android package.

Finalizing PushNotificationIOS Deprecation on iOS

With the ongoing deprecation of the PushNotificationIOS module, several legacy APIs have been removed in version 0.75:

+ (void)didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification;
+ (void)didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)notification;

The updated API to use is didReceiveNotification:(UNNotification *)notification, ensuring better alignment with current notification standards.

Updates to Community CLI

Two commands have been removed from the Community CLI to improve performance and focus on modern tooling:

  • ram-bundle: This command is obsolete with the introduction of Hermes, which serves as the default JS engine. Direct memory bundle loading is no longer recommended.
  • profile-hermes: The profiling tool used an outdated .cpuprofile format incompatible with recent Chrome versions. CPU profiling can now be accessed via the “Profiler” panel in the Experimental New Debugger.

These updates reflect React Native’s commitment to modernizing the development experience, ensuring better performance, and maintaining compatibility with current standards. The improvements in this release pave the way for more robust and efficient app development.

Breaking Changes in React Native 0.75 ⚒️


  • Codegen: Dropped Cxx token from C++ TurboModules class names.
  • Float Enums: No longer supported due to precision errors.
  • Error Handling: Throws error when passing null to non-nullablearguments in Native.
  • Linting: ESLint no longer runs Prettier.


  • ScrollViewShadowNode: New bool includeTransform parameter in the constructor.
  • RuntimeExecutor: Removed executeAsynchronously and executeSynchronously_CAN_DEADLOCK.
  • Error Handling: Renamed JsErrorHandlingFunc to OnJsError.
  • Imports: Removed unused import from ReactPrimitives.h.
  • Methods: LongLivedObjectCollection and LongLivedObject now accept a Runtime parameter.
  • File Renaming: utils/jsi.h to jsi-utils.h.


  • Callback Removal: Removed deprecated onTextInput callback.


  • Method Removal: Removed onLongPressShouldCancelPress_DEPRECATED, onResponderTerminationRequest_DEPRECATED, and onStartShouldSetResponder_DEPRECATED.


  • ReactViewBackgroundDrawable: Deprecated in favor of CSSBackgroundDrawable.
  • ReactContext: Now abstract; use BridgeReactContext and BridgelessReactContext.
  • Layout: Supports percentage flex gap values.
  • Runtime: Removed ReactJsExceptionHandler from ReactHostImpl.
  • DevSupport: DevSupportManagerFactory.create() now accepts PausedInDebuggerOverlayManager.
  • Measurement: Deleted UIManagerModule.measureLayoutRelativeToParent().


  • Runtime: Removed [RCTHost getSurfacePresenter] and [RCTHost getModuleRegistry].
  • Image: Removed RCTImageLoadingPerfInstrumentationEnabled.
  • Error Handling: Removed RCTRedBox access through RCTBridge.
  • TextInput: Removed deprecated onTextInput callback.


React Native 0.75 introduces critical updates that streamline the development process and improve performance and compatibility. Developers are encouraged to review these changes carefully and update their projects to ensure a smooth transition. This release represents a significant step forward in the evolution of React Native, reinforcing the framework’s commitment to providing a modern, efficient, and robust development experience.

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