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14th June 2023Taking care of yourself is always the first step:

When people ask, “How do you maintain a work-life balance?” we always answer by saying we need self-care.
We know that the workplace has plenty of stressors. When you’re too busy to relax, your energy levels diminish, and engaging with work gets harder. These workplace stress triggers might lead to exhaustion or burnout and interfere with your stress management techniques, indicating that you need a better work-life balance.
The importance of work-life balance isn’t only about having the time to put your feet up. Work-life balance demands that we disconnect from our jobs and devote energy to our personal lives. That might mean a full social calendar, a regular exercise plan, or weekly relaxation rituals to limit stress.
But the bottom line is that we create a lifestyle that allows us to value our professional ambitions without forgetting that there’s more to life.
Our lifestyles should allow us to easily take time to improve our well-being and mental and physical health, rather than feeling like that’s impossible. To do this, we need to know what self-care practices work best for us to uphold our work-life balance.
10 self-care practices to achieve work-life balance:
One fun thing about self-care is that it looks different for everyone. Some people prefer to meditate, while others want to work up a sweat. Learning how to have a good work-life balance means that we incorporate self-care into every aspect of our lives. This means we’ll find ways to care for ourselves at work and home.
These self-care practices are a great way to work on self-improvement. If there’s something we want to improve, like our sleep schedule, we can add it to our self-care list.
Here are 10 self-care strategies as examples to help our work-life balance:
1. Get enough sleep
Let’s be firm with our bedtime. We’ll start by prioritizing a nightly routine that helps us relax, like drinking tea or using essential oils. This will also help us wake up early, giving us more time for self-care and slow morning routines.
2. Practice mindfulness and meditation
Carving out time in our day to reconnect with ourselves allows us to be more in tune with our emotions. Practicing mindfulness and meditation doesn’t require much time, so we can sneak these in on our lunch breaks or after work.
3. Go for a hike
Time for some physical activity. Going for a hike also gives us the chance to breathe some fresh air, connect with nature, and appreciate a change of scenery.
4. Learn how to say “No.”
It’s great that we want to help others, but we also need to learn when to put ourselves first. Next time a coworker asks us for help on a project, and we’re already swamped, say no to prioritize our energy and time.
5. Unplug from social media
While social media is handy for connecting with others, it’s also draining. Muting our notifications, limiting app usage, or having a weekly digital detox will help us have better personal time or be more focused at work.
6. Set boundaries with others
Setting boundaries in our professional and personal lives helps to keep our relationships respectful. Don’t be afraid to sit down and have conversations with people about setting healthy boundaries. This is an act of self-care.
7. Spend quality time with people
Our social connections uplift us. Even if we aren’t extroverted, quality time with your support system is helpful to recharge.
8. Let go of being a perfectionist
Some things don’t go our way, and we don’t always have full control. Next time a work project doesn’t turn out how we hoped, let’s be proud of ourselves for what we accomplished.
9. Explore new places
Traveling is exciting, but it doesn’t have to be extravagant trips. Try exploring a new coffee shop in a different neighborhood or eating at a new restaurant every few weeks.
10. Take care of our hygiene
Besides doing a face mask, we can take a soothing bath, do a foot scrub, or even just brush our teeth. Whatever helps us feel clean, fresh, and rejuvenated is a great self-care practice.
Your feelings are always valid:
Working on your self-care practices and work-life balance isn’t all sunshine and roses. If something’s bothering you, whether professionally or personally, have the self-advocacy to speak up for yourself. Acknowledging what you’re feeling is a valid form of self-care.
Some days you feel down, while other days, you feel on top of the world. You can’t avoid one or the other, so you should learn to accept your feelings for what they are.
Self-care will increase your self-awareness, too. Perhaps one self-care strategy isn’t working with your lifestyle and doesn’t help you feel like your authentic self. Think about why that is, what that tells you, and what other strategy to pursue instead.
There’s resilience in self-care and work-life balance. It’ll teach you to believe in your abilities and create change when you meet with any obstacles. And sometimes, those obstacles are how you treat yourself. Remember to be kind.
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