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18th January 2023The experience you have at work is largely influenced by your attitude and the attitude of those around you. When you feel calm and practice positivity, you may feel more motivated, happier at your job, and more connected to your team. Those around you will also notice and appreciate your calmness, leading to a better workplace atmosphere overall in the IT sector.
- Remain focused :

While multitasking can make you feel like you’re accomplishing a lot, it may also make you feel frazzled as you jump from one task to another. At the end of the day, you may realize that you haven’t actually finished a single task, yet you feel you’ve done a lot of work. Instead of working on multiple tasks or projects, and instead of jumping from email to a project and back again, try focusing on one thing at a time.
- Be confident :

If you’re feeling less than calm, it could be from a lack of confidence. Try to feel confident in your abilities, your judgment, decisions, skills, and in your team. If you approach your work confidently, you should be better able to navigate complex tasks or projects and work closely with your team. Confidence also allows you to communicate effectively with your coworkers, which trickles down to a steady productivity level that helps you feel in control and calm.
- Have a positive attitude :
A positive attitude can make a big difference in how you approach the workplace. With a positive approach, you may find that you feel less stressed and more in charge of your day. You’re also more invested in your work and able to think straight to find solutions to problems. Not only is it important to have a positive attitude, but it’s crucial to surround yourself with others who do the same.
- Take breaks :

You may feel stressed by all your responsibilities and have a hard time thinking clearly. Removing yourself from the situation for a brief period of time can help you relax and approach the rest of your workday or a particular situation from a new perspective. You can take a break when you feel the stress increasing and then you might never reach the level of unease you may have had in the past.
- Plan ahead :

A plan can help give you purpose and set you up for the entire day. You may feel a sense of calm in knowing what to expect. When the unexpected happens, it’ll be easier to adjust because you know what the rest of your day has in store. Try coming up with a plan at the beginning of the day, accounting for what you are responsible for and any due dates, then brainstorm what could change and anticipate the updates you’ll have to make. With this, you won’t be as blindsided by changes to your day.
- Have a workplace buddy :

Simply having a buddy at work can give you the sort of support system you need to feel calm. This could be someone in your office space or a coworker from another department who you connect with. Find someone who you feel comfortable with, enjoy talking to and who is open to taking breaks with you so you have a partner to spend your time with as you step away from your work tasks.
- Take deep breaths :

When the day is getting to be a little more overwhelming, take deep breaths to reset. When you’re stressed, you may notice that you’re breathing differently, which can actually make you feel worse. Stress can also affect your judgment and make it difficult to complete important projects. If you need to refocus, handle the issues in front of you, or communicate with someone you have a conflict with, take deep breaths until you feel calm. Then approach the situation again.
- Ask questions :

Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you don’t understand something you’re working on or are unclear about a manager’s expectations for your work. If you have a clear idea of how your day should progress, what takes priority and how something is accomplished, it’ll help you feel less stressed and calmer as you tackle your work responsibilities.
- Communicate with your manager :

One way to stay calm is by developing an open line of communication with your manager. Your manager is there to help you, to assign projects to members of the team, and to work with you on your goals. If you have work conflicts or conflicts with a coworker that are making you feel defeated or stressed, meet with your manager so you can work together to identify ways to move past the conflict.
- Be patient :
Sometimes our sense of unrest comes from a lack of patience. Try to remember that everyone you approach in the workplace is learning and completing their tasks at a different pace than you might be. You may feel impatient when you’re waiting on an email reply, as you’re teaching a coworker how to do something or even when you’re in traffic on the way to work. By practicing patience, you’re more likely to have the resources to remain calm despite the situation you’re in.
Related Blog: https://xpertlab.com/helpful-ways-to-deal-with-stress-at-work/
For more info: xpertlab.com