In 2011, Facebook released the React front-end JavaScript library. It is used to create reusable user interface components using a component-based approach. It is also utilized to make interactive and complicated online and mobile user interfaces. Although it was only open-sourced in 2015, it has one of the largest communities behind it.

ReactJS History

When compared to other technologies on the market, React is a new technology. Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook, founded the library in 2011, giving it life. The likes of XHP, a straightforward HTML component framework for PHP, have an influence on React. React’s newsfeed was its debut application in 2011. Later, Instagram picks it up and incorporates it into their platform.

Why React?

React’s popularity today has eclipsed that of all other front-end development frameworks. Here is why:

  • Easy creation of dynamic applications: React makes it easier to create dynamic web applications because it requires less coding and offers more functionality, as opposed to JavaScript, where coding often gets complex very quickly.
  • Improved performance: React uses Virtual DOM, thereby creating web applications faster. Virtual DOM compares the components’ previous states and updates only the items in the Real DOM that were changed, instead of updating all of the components again, as conventional web applications do. 
  • Reusable components: Components are the building blocks of any React application, and a single app usually consists of multiple components. These components have their logic and controls, and they can be reused throughout the application, which in turn dramatically reduces the application’s development time.
  • Unidirectional data flow: React follows a unidirectional data flow. This means that when designing a React app, developers often nest child components within parent components. Since the data flows in a single direction, it becomes easier to debug errors and know where a problem occurs in an application at the moment in question.
  • Small learning curve: React is easy to learn, as it mostly combines basic HTML and JavaScript concepts with some beneficial additions. Still, as is the case with other tools and frameworks, you have to spend some time to get a proper understanding of React’s library.
  • It can be used for the development of both web and mobile apps: We already know that React is used for the development of web applications, but that’s not all it can do. There is a framework called React Native, derived from React itself, that is hugely popular and is used for creating beautiful mobile applications. So, in reality, React can be used for making both web and mobile applications.
  • Dedicated tools for easy debugging: Facebook has released a Chrome extension that can be used to debug React applications. This makes the process of debugging React web applications faster and easier.

The above reasons more than justify the popularity of the React library and why it is being adopted by a large number of organizations and businesses. Now let’s familiarize ourselves with React’s features.

react js image

ReactJS Keys

After answering what is ReactJs, let us know what are keys. 

While dealing with components that are produced periodically in React, keys are essential. Your component will continue to be uniquely identifiable after the modification if the key value is set.  They aid React in determining which elements have changed, been eliminated, or been added.

When making lists of components in React, you must use a special string personality factor “key”. React uses keys to indicate which list items have been modified, destroyed, or altered. Or, to put it another way, we may say that keys are utilized to identify the components in lists. 

Advantages of ReactJS

Reusable Components

A multi-component application is what a ReactJS application is called. Each ReactJS component is reusable i.e a big advantage of ReactJS and responsible for producing a short, reusable piece of HTML code. Its components, which are at the heart of all React applications, can also be nested. This stacking of components allows sophisticated applications to be constructed from simple building blocks.

Easy Creation of the Dynamic Web Applications

In contrast to the complex coding of a dynamic web application, React JS requires less coding, delivers more functionality, and supports the creation of machine-readable codes.

The Support of Handy Tools

React JS has also grown in popularity due to being a valuable tool. These technologies make the developers’ jobs more accessible and more understandable. The React Developer Tools are dev extensions for Chrome and Firefox that let you analyze React component hierarchies in the virtual DOM. You can also select specific components and inspect and update their current properties and state.

Easy to understand and easy to use

Developers may quickly learn and comprehend React Js thanks to plenty of documentation, tutorials, and training tools. It’s easy to use, especially for people familiar with Javascript i.e one of the big advantages of ReactJS.

SEO Friendly

ReactJS applications can run on the server, making navigation on various search engines easy and act as one of the advantages of ReactJS. The virtual DOM renders and returns to the browser as a regular web page.

Having JavaScript Library

ReactJS offers a dynamic JavaScript library, thus providing more flexibility to the developers and working as an advantages of ReactJs.

The Benefit of Having JavaScript Library

Today, ReactJS is chosen by most web developers. It is because it offers a rich JavaScript library. The JavaScript library provides more flexibility for web developers to choose the way they want.

Scope for Testing the Codes

ReactJS applications are elementary to test. It offers a scope where the developer can test and debug their codes with the help of native tools.


Poor Documentation

It is a con that is common for constantly updating technologies. React technologies are updating and accelerating so fast that there is no time to make proper documentation. To overcome this, developers write instructions independently with the evolving of new releases and tools in their current projects.

View Part

ReactJS only covers the UI Layers of the app, and thus there is always a need to choose some other technologies for other development.

The high pace of development

It results in continuous and fast environmental changes, making it hard to adapt to all the  changes. Thus the developers’ skills must continually be updated along with the changes.

Problems with SEO

Yes, we’ve included SEO in the advantages of ReactJS. So, why is it in the cons? Because It isn’t suitable for pages that display frequently changing data.

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