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5th February 2015
Top 8 Hottest Mobile App Development trends for 2015
9th February 2015“He came, He Saw, He Conquered”
The words originally used to describe Julius Caesar perfectly waxes lyrical praises for our dear PM Narendra Modi. A go-getter and a man who walks the talk, Narendra Modi has had a long winding journey from being a Chaiwalla (Tea Stall) to sitting on the most prestigious Chair in our country. We heartily appreciate his efforts and strategies, so we want to bring 5 Marketing Strategies that made Modi the Man of Substance.
The guru-mantra to marketing is perfectly captured and put into practice by Narendra Modi and the team backing him up. Indeed Customer (read Aam Janta) was glorified. They made the Janta feel that they were soon going to witness a change from a previous government that had left them fuming over inflation, corruption and scams.
Just like Fairness Cream Ads that promise their consumers of a brighter skin and a even brighter future, with snapshots of their lives before and after the use of their fairness cream. Team Modi’s promotional ad campaign ‘Janta Maaf Nahi Karegi’ (Citizens will not forgive) was not-a-gentle-reminder to the junta of their seemingly dredged life before and the (appointing) the Modi Sarkar (Government).
Team Modi worked on the strategy of marketing called as positioning, a term coined by famous marketing consultants Jack Trout and Al Ries. Positioning means the success of a product that is relatively new to the market depends upon how the consumers perceive it. It also means how the product or a person (in Modi’s case) is positioned in the consumer’s mind. Another marketing funda that was utilized was ‘Differentiate or Die’ which actually took Modi to the finishing line of victory. They differentiated their party from their arch-rivals that had been ruling the country since almost a decade. We could also take the example of the newly launched deodorant Fogg. What made them click with their consumers is their clear discrimination funda ‘Only deodorant. No gas’.
Another popular mantra from the marketing and retail sector is that the target audience should be able to connect to what the product is offering to them and how will it benefit them in their lives. Every individual is always looking for an answer to a very simple question, What Is In It For Me? Too many features end up confusing the consumer.
On the contrary, brands that are focused on a single-minded and a crystal clear strategy offend succeed.
Modi in his promotional campaigns and speeches given then after his victory kept highlighting his agenda of Nation Development and a good governance. The icing on the cake were better job prospects to the youth, an easy access to basic needs like water and sanitation and a corruption and scam free government.
Modi’s last lap to the finish line was definitely made him elbow out all his competitors. Prasoon Joshi, Sam Balsara and Piyush Pandey were the master minds behind Modi successful political feat. These people have wealth of knowledge and a plethora experience behind them.
However tough market is, you can concur it with right marketing techniques. Market to Build Brand and Use specialized professional to help you succeed are two eminent modified mantras for sure success.