Businesses Dependent On Android Developers For Application Development
4th June 2015
Why To Learn Web Development
5th June 2015If you take one lesson away from these blogs it’s the importance of a post launch strategy. Almost every word I’ve written, every blog we’ve posted is about a post launch strategy. Link building is part of it, social media management is part of it, deciding if you want PPC is another. Every single one of these things is part of your post-launch strategy.
But is there a specific order with which to do things? The simple answer is no, but there are certainly things to avoid, and things to tick off your list, to make the transition from pre-launch to launch and beyond that little bit smoother. Never assume that an SEO process is “done” or “finished” – it’s a common danger that people overlook. They see themselves on page one of Google and assume they’ve made it; a proper post-launch plan, and a cool head, should guard against that kind of thinking. Launching a Website When your site launches you’ll have content ready to go.
Maybe five or ten blog posts queued up, but don’t let it stop there. You’ll need regular content updates; not just to satisfy Google’s gremlins, but also to keep your regular customers sharp, and to keep your website up to date for new customers who find you down the line. You might consider paid media campaigns through Facebook, Twitter or even local media, to give you a boost and maybe an injection of new business. Whatever strategy you implement it is absolutely crucial to make sure you’re tracking the feedback properly. There’s no point in spending hundreds on an advert campaign if you have no way of tracking the key metrics; how many people saw the ad? How many people who saw it actually came to your site? And, crucially, how many of the people that came to your site actually requested your services and became customers? This is an absolute necessity for any business; and something to always bare in mind when carrying out your web development strategies meat .
It may be the oldest adage in the book; but the customer has to be at the centre of everything that you do, and everything that you design. Whatever you decide during this phase is crucial, but going forward there will be a lot more challenges to overcome, some even more confusing than the ones you’ve dealt with so far. If you’re in a less than sexy industry; how do you sell that to people outside of it? How do you move into different fields? How do you draw people back if you’ve made a poor first impression? This is the joy, and nightmare, of both web development and SEO more generally; it’s a constantly shifting and constantly evolving problem. That’s why the best SEO companies won’t tell you that there’s one way to boost your site’s rankings, they won’t give you a standard “by the book” strategy. They’ll talk to you, and listen, and adapt to what you need. After all; while they might experts in the SEO business – you’re the expert in your field.