
21st April 2018

An Introduction to React Native

React is a framework created by Facebook for data driven web interfaces. React provides a component driven architecture which uses a declarative syntax and is easily extensible. So what is the difference between React and React Native? React was originally created for web user interfaces. The mantra behind React has been “Learn Once, Write Anywhere”. Facebook’s goal has been to “be able to develop a consistent set of goals and technologies that let us build applications using the same set of principles across whatever platform we want.” Given this overarching goal they set out to apply the same set of […]
10th March 2018

How to Play a Video in Unity

Sometimes, being able to play a video file in your game is something that needs to be done. Fortunately, Unity provides a component and some libraries to help you do just that. In this post, I will talk about the Video Player component and some of the requirements you need to meet so that Unity can play your video in-game. What is a Unity Video Player? unity-video-tutorialUnity has a component called a Video Player. This component can be attached to any Game Object in your scene. It allows you to assign a video file to it for playback within your […]
22nd September 2017


SIGNIFICANCE OF MOBILE APPS IN THE GROWTH OF IOT The introduction and growing implementation of mobile apps have brought a sea change in the technology landscape in the last one decade. Mobile apps are not only accountable for driving the growth of businesses across the world, but they are playing an equally important role in enhancing the lifestyle of the people. Mobile Apps Are Making Human Life Simpler As far as the impact of mobile apps on human life is concerned, they are making it really simple for people when it comes to shopping, watching their favorite TV programs online, […]
23rd June 2016

AngularJS and Ionic for App Development – The Ultimate Combination

As mobile apps have already transformed our work habits and browsing patterns, the ways of app development has also been through a lot fresh changes. Of late, there are a lot of cutting-edge tools, frameworks and platforms that have eased the task of developers. Designers can now create incredibly useful and high-end mobile apps easily. Consequently, it provides plenty of user-centric and helpful app to organizations as well as businesses to improve their overall business presence through their mobile app. Ionic is a new entry in the range of hybrid mobile app development platforms. Basically, it is a front-end SDK […]
23rd June 2016

How Much Does An App Like WhatsApp Cost?

With mobile messaging apps surpassing the traffic of social media, you can easily predict that mobile chat apps are the future of mobile and WhatsApp is leading the charts with 1000 Million daily active users all around the world! It has captured 34% market share of chat app market.  The app allows user to make free app to app voice calls, share text, image, audio, location & video and 70% of its total users are daily active users!  Let’s get cracking on how much does it cost to develop an app like what’s app! Feature List of WhatsApp: Login/Register (Mobile […]
4th June 2015

Businesses Dependent On Android Developers For Application Development

Android is an open source operating system for which developers don’t need to pay authentication or license fees for android applications development. Moreover, they can even promote the apps with any third party software companies. Android gadgets have made revolutionary changes in the world and people don’t find any difficulty while using apps on their devices. With such convenience and easy-to-handle behavior, most businesses have started considering android development as an essential tool for availing result-driven apps to enhance business sales. Pre-requisites of android app development Developers can design a number of mobile apps using this open source platform. To […]
7th May 2015

Android Studio Shortcuts

Eclipse was the base IDE for android development. It was very easy for those who were beginners. But they have started to switch to android studio since it was introduced in Google I/O 2013. Since android studio has been declared as official android IDE, majority of experienced android developers have started using android studio. We also prefer to use it because of its great features. So here, we have listed the shortcuts that will be useful to you while developing using android studio.   Go to class Ctrl + N Go to file Ctrl + Shift + N Navigate open […]
25th February 2015

6 Steps to Design an Awesome Mobile App

  After you come up with the basic premise for your new app and have a firm idea of the user base you are targeting, the single most important aspect of making it into a reality is the design process. Design has as much to do with how your app looks as with how it functions in the real world. This is why it’s so important to go with a developer that has experience designing apps that are easy to use and will improve people’s lives in some way. Whether you are helping your end users do their jobs more […]
11th February 2015

Facebook Brings Its Free Mobile Internet Service To India

Facebook‘s project is taking on its biggest market yet., an effort to provide free mobile Internet to developing markets, launched in India this week, Facebook announced late Monday. SEE ALSO: Zuckerberg to investors: If you only care about money, don’t buy Facebook The service will be available in six different states in India and offer users access to a range of healthcare, communication and news services, including the Wikipedia, the BBC — and, of course, Facebook. “Over the last year, we’ve rolled out free basic services to countries with more than 150 million people total across Africa […]
9th February 2015

Top 8 Hottest Mobile App Development trends for 2015

What does the falling year 2015 hold for Mobile App Development Trends? We are revealed some astounding and dazzling trends for IT developers to be aware about in the promising New Year 2015. It would be surely attention-grabbing to recognize that what 2015 will carry for the Mobile Application Developers.   Why enterprise apps getting more expensive and complex in 2015? What is going to be happening with the big data stored in the database? How should developers work with the upcoming tendencies of Mobile Application Development? As the end of the year 2014 is near, everyone is observing for […]
30th January 2015

Difference Between Native vs Hybrid Android App Development

Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry, and Symbian etc. are the leading Operating Systems used in Smart devices like Phones and Tablets. There are more than 950,000 apps in iOS store, more than 750,000 apps in Play store and around 200,000 apps in Windows Phone and Blackberry’s play store. It has lead among users as a device can have just 1 operating system and hence have access to its app store but not to every app store. What is the difference between HTML5, Native and a Hybrid app? Which is better? Today most of the developers are facing 1 problem i.e. […]