UI/UX Design

9th January 2023

8 Golden Rules of Interaction Design

UI/UX Design Just like there are rules to live by in life, there are some rules you should always follow while designing your user interface. Based on Ben Shneiderman’s 8 golden rules of UI design, these along with our actionable tips will make your design more accessible and understandable for your users! 1. Strive for Consistency Jakob’s Law states that people spend most of their time using digital products other than yours, and their experiences with those products set their expectations. Failing to maintain consistency may increase the users’ cognitive load by forcing them to learn something new. Your target […]
24th December 2022

Fundamentals Of Typography For UI Design

UI UX Company uses User Interface designs that will not be meaningful without good typography. Therefore, using typography is a critical aspect of User Interface design, especially in a design with text. In addition, typefaces give a message to users of the design. Therefore, User Interface designers make many decisions about using a typeface, including the kind of font, body text, size, and placement. Furthermore, as you will be using text content for your designs, it is essential to make this text content attractive and easy to read. In this article, you will grasp typography, its importance, and how to […]