
13th April 2024

How empathy can supercharge your programming career

Picture a “software developer” in your mind. Are they a loner, laboring away by themselves in a dark room looking at a black screen with green text? Are they being condescending and curt with their teammates when forced to interact with others? Even if you yourself are a software developer, it can be difficult to shake this perception of programmers. And even if you don’t hold this stereotype, many people do. Why is that? I’ve become convinced over the years that empathy is one of the more underrated qualities in software development. If you look at most of the negative […]
13th December 2023

How to Handle Negative Feedback

When our team appreciates our work or applauds us for a job well done, we feel proud, joy and inspired. Having a team that celebrates our wins and keeps us motivated to do even better is key to happiness and long-lasting work satisfaction. However, to advance in our careers, we need constructive criticism and feedback that help us identify our flaws and imperfections. Our team members who spend a large amount of time working with us are best positioned to give this feedback. People around us have the ability to observe and evaluate our behavior in various situations. They can […]