
5th April 2024

MySQL vs Postgres in 2024

The rise of PostgreSQL and MySQL is fueled by cloud adoption, boosting deployment ease. PostgreSQL dominates in 2023, yet MySQL still appeals to learners. In 2024, PostgreSQL aims to improve sharding, logical replication, while MySQL focuses on availability, security, and analytics. The surge in PostgreSQL and MySQL popularity owes much to its adoption by major cloud providers. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud now offer managed PostgreSQL and MySQL services, streamlining database deployment and management. AWS highlighted the rapid growth of its Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible service in 2021. The acquisition of MySQL by Oracle in 2010 triggered concerns among […]
12th March 2024

How to support Mental Health at Work Place…

 Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. There are several ways with which an organization can help their employees to maintain & improve mental health, such as… Similar blogs: 9 Ways to Build a Positive Work Culture
14th February 2024

8 Rules for Perfect Typography in UI

A study shows that 70 % of User Interfaces depend on typography as it is the best source of communicating with anyone. Typography plays an important role in User Interface, and improving your typographic design is an important step in improving both UI and UX. Designing a user interface differs from designing an ebook or blog theme, although the principles of type-centric design still apply technology has evolved a lot, so here are 8 rules for better typography in UI. 1. Hierarchy One of the most important techniques for effectively communicating content is the use of a typographic hierarchy. 2. […]
8th February 2024

Prompt Engineering

What is prompt engineering? Prompt engineering is an artificial intelligence engineering technique that serves several purposes. It encompasses the process of refining large language models, or LLMs, with specific prompts and recommended outputs, as well as the process of refining input to various generative AI services to generate text or images. As generative AI tools improve, prompt engineering will also be important in generating other kinds of content, including robotic process automation bots, 3D assets, scripts, robot instructions and other types of content and digital artifacts. This AI engineering technique helps tune LLMs for specific use cases and uses zero-shot […]
8th January 2024

The SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Programming

The SOLID Principles are five principles of Object-Oriented class design. They are a set of rules and best practices to follow while designing a class structure.  These five principles help us understand the need for certain design patterns and software architecture in general. So I believe that it is a topic that every developer should learn.  This article will teach you everything you need to know to apply SOLID principles to your projects.  We will start by taking a look into the history of this term. Then we are going to get into the nitty-gritty details – the why’s and […]