28th October 2015

15M People Worldwide Can Now Access Web Via Internet.org

Facebook’s controversial free Internet project, Internet.org, has now brought 15 million people worldwide online who would otherwise have remained offline, according to comments from Mark Zuckerberg at a Townhall Q&A in India on Wednesday. In India specifically, that number is one million — though Internet.org only arrived in the country about a year ago. India now has 130 million Facebook users, but is still home to one billion people living without Internet access. Globally, that number sits at four billion. Last month, Facebook made some pretty significant changes to Internet.org, including renaming it to Free Basics, and opening it up to more developers and web […]
2nd September 2015

Google Launch New Logo

Google is introducing a new logo today. Just a month after unveiling a major restructuring of the company, Google is updating its image, too. The new Google logo is still a wordmark, but it’s now using a sans-serif typeface, making it look a lot more modern and playful. The colors are also softer than they used to be. The logo bears a bit more resemblance to the logo of Google’s new parent company, Alphabet, as well. Alphabet’s wordmark has a similarly unadorned look, and this update makes the two companies’ design language fall more inline. As Google’s video introducing the new […]
5th June 2015

Web Development: A proper post launch strategy

If you take one lesson away from these blogs it’s the importance of a post launch strategy. Almost every word I’ve written, every blog we’ve posted is about a post launch strategy. Link building is part of it, social media management is part of it, deciding if you want PPC is another. Every single one of these things is part of your post-launch strategy. But is there a specific order with which to do things? The simple answer is no, but there are certainly things to avoid, and things to tick off your list, to make the transition from pre-launch […]
4th June 2015

Businesses Dependent On Android Developers For Application Development

Android is an open source operating system for which developers don’t need to pay authentication or license fees for android applications development. Moreover, they can even promote the apps with any third party software companies. Android gadgets have made revolutionary changes in the world and people don’t find any difficulty while using apps on their devices. With such convenience and easy-to-handle behavior, most businesses have started considering android development as an essential tool for availing result-driven apps to enhance business sales. Pre-requisites of android app development Developers can design a number of mobile apps using this open source platform. To […]
2nd June 2015


here are many who prefer to use WordPress to develop their website, while some like to use PHP website. By understanding its different features, the individual can take a better a better decision to use the one that would perfectly fit his website requirements. What is PHP and its features? It is a language, which is designed specifically for web programming having built-in integration along with well known database open source MySQL. The reasons for many to use PHP for creating a website are as follows: East to begin with: Starting with PHP is easy as a beginner. The user […]
7th May 2015

Magento 2 Coming Soon!!

Magento 2 coming soon!! Will your existing Magento 1 website be able to upgrade to Magento 2? Magento 2.0 – is not just a product upgrade rather a comprehensive revamp and rewrite of the Magento code base. There are significant changes in the framework to improve stability, performance, making it easier to customize, ensuring faster time to market and lower development costs. It has been a tough ride for Magento 2. Things have not worked out according to plans. It was announced way back in 2010 with plans of 2011 launch. Many members of the Magento community are unhappy with […]
25th February 2015

6 Steps to Design an Awesome Mobile App

  After you come up with the basic premise for your new app and have a firm idea of the user base you are targeting, the single most important aspect of making it into a reality is the design process. Design has as much to do with how your app looks as with how it functions in the real world. This is why it’s so important to go with a developer that has experience designing apps that are easy to use and will improve people’s lives in some way. Whether you are helping your end users do their jobs more […]
16th February 2015

PHP v/s Asp.net – Which Language is More Influencing 2015?

As we all know that there are several programming languages that used for web designing, but two most powerful programming languages are PHP and ASP.NET. But out of these two languages, which one is more influencing or ruling the market. Let’s have a look on this XpertLab and decide!
11th February 2015

Why Your Website Should Be Mobile Friendly

Industry experts agree – in the near future, we will witness a dynamic growth of everything that relates to mobile. The use of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets is on the rise – Cisco predicts that by 2018, there will be more mobile devices connected to the internet than people on earth! Mobile platforms can be used by brands to foster consumer engagement – in fact, mobile is expected to become increasingly important in providing a great user experience and improve conversion rates. That’s why web developers should never forget to optimize their websites for mobile devices. How to […]
9th February 2015

Top 8 Hottest Mobile App Development trends for 2015

What does the falling year 2015 hold for Mobile App Development Trends? We are revealed some astounding and dazzling trends for IT developers to be aware about in the promising New Year 2015. It would be surely attention-grabbing to recognize that what 2015 will carry for the Mobile Application Developers.   Why enterprise apps getting more expensive and complex in 2015? What is going to be happening with the big data stored in the database? How should developers work with the upcoming tendencies of Mobile Application Development? As the end of the year 2014 is near, everyone is observing for […]
28th January 2015

Why Website and Mobile Application is needful for Business?

n this era, people are using internet about 7-8 hour through desktop and mobile world. Number of Internet User are growing rapidly since a decades. Online Shopping is growing day by day. So there is more craze on Web just by connecting with many media. These media may include Desktop PC, Laptops , iPhone, Android, Blackberry , iPad and many other. So if there are a lot of user at the Website then there would be lots of user demand to gain better business over Web. So here’s how there is great need of “Website”. Why we need Website for […]