6th February 2020

Database Partitioning Techniques

Android Development Company Why do we need to do database partitioning? Or, what are the benefits of database partitioning? In this blog, you will get all your answers. But, before that you should know what partitioning is. In simple words, partitioning means dividing into parts or subdividing. With the help of partitioning techniques, you can manage large database tables. How about having some more knowledge on the massive databases? Yes, this article is a source of information for you to update your awareness on databases in this Big Data age. Today, in this big data planet, modern organizations run with […]
17th September 2019

Which One to Choose RDBMS(Mysql) / MongoDB ?

What is MySql? MySQL database structure stores the data values in tables and makes use of the SQL to access them. It uses schema for defining database structure. The schemas require that the rows inside the table have the same structures, with the values also been represented by specific data types. What is MongoDB? MongoDB is a database in which data is not in form of SQL database. What was the need for MongoDB? RDBMS is always the best choice for storing data of all type of applications. But the issue came with the RDBMS was of scalability as the data when […]
14th May 2019

Amazon Neptune And Graph DBMS

Amazon Neptune is a managed service that enables a user to create and manage a graph database in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud. It can support a scalable, high-performance graph database, which is a type of NoSQL database that can store, map and query relationships between data sets. Neptune is highly available, with read replicas, point-in-time recovery, continuous backup to Amazon S3, and replication across Availability Zones. It provides data security features, with support for encryption at rest and in transit. Neptune is fully managed, so you no longer need to worry about database management tasks like hardware […]