
14th April 2023

Configure ESLint, Prettier, and Flow in VS Code for React Development

This short guide will provide you a consistent and reusable development workflow for all React Native projects. The more effort you put into writing quality code, the less time you spend on debugging. You can increase your code quality and reduce the time spent on debugging with a consistent development workflow. In this guide I will show you how to configure your editor to handle your code formatting, linting, and type checking. Test Driven Development and a preconfigured build configuration are recommended. I won’t go into much detail on either of these. I recommend create-react-app for the web and using the React Native […]
10th October 2022

Quick Tip : How to Use the Spread Operator in JavaScript

Symbolized by three dots (...), the JavaScript spread operator was introduced in ES6. It can be used to expand elements in collections and arrays into single, individual elements The spread operator can be used to create and clone arrays and objects, pass arrays as function parameters, remove duplicates from arrays, and more Syntax The spread operator can only be used on iterable objects. It must be used right before the iterable object, without any separation. For example: Function Parameters Take as an example the Math.min() method. This method accepts at least one number as a parameter and returns the smallest […]
17th May 2022

Useful TypeScript and JavaScript shorthands to know

JavaScript and TypeScript share a number of useful shorthand alternatives for common code concepts. Shorthand code alternatives can help reduce lines of code, which is something we typically strive for. In this article, we will review common TypeScript and JavaScript shorthands. We will also explore examples of how to use these shorthands. JavaScript and TypeScript shorthands Using shorthand code is not always the right decision when writing clean and scalable code. Concise code can sometimes be more confusing to read and update. It is important that your code is legible and conveys meaning and context to other developers. Our decision to […]
9th March 2021

Let, Const and Var– What’s the Difference?

One of the features that came with ES6 is the addition of let and const, which can be used for variable declaration. The question is, what makes them different from good ol’ var which we’ve been using? If you are still not clear about this, then this article is for you. In this article, we’ll discuss var, let and const  with respect to their scope, use, and hoisting. As you read, take note of the differences between them that I’ll point out. Var Before the advent of ES6, var declarations ruled. There are issues associated with variables declared with var, though. That is why it was necessary for new ways to declare variables […]
7th January 2021


WHAT IS MERN STACK? CMS Development In Junagdh The MERN stack is a JavaScript stack that’s created to offer a smoother development process. MERN comprises four open-source components that are MongoDB, React, Express, and Node.js. Moreover, it empowers developers to work on the back-end and front-end without any stoppage in the process. CMS Development In Junagdh MERN Stack Components ReactJS: It is a library that helps to build the user interface elements of single-page web apps.  NodeJS: It is a runtime context proficient in running JavaScript. ExpressJS: It builds on top of NodeJS that takes care of the website’s back-end functionality and structure. […]
1st December 2020


Java  Object-oriented Programming  Standalone language executed by the Java Virtual Machine Class-based objects  Need entire java development kit Support the static type programming  Unreadable byte coding type  Support class concurrency & maintain parallel concurrency  JavaScript  Client-side scripting language  HTML document executed by a web browser, such as Mozilla & Firefox Prototype-based Need a text editor  Support the dynamic type programming  Easily readable  Support await functions in promises and coding.  THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF THE BENEFITS OF JAVA GIVEN TO PROGRAMMERS:  Supports multi-threading  Programs can comply with native code  Support the process of application development  Java APIs can be used […]
12th April 2017

How To Make Your Website Load Faster?

  If you are a website owner or administrator and your website loads slow than this blog post is perfect for you. Many website owners usually asked this question to us why their website is slow and how it can be improve. Being a leading website design company we at XpertLab have done extensive research on website loading time and the causes of slow website load. There are many reasons for slow website loading problem, we will identify those reasons in this blog post however it is important to understand the why website speed is big issue for you ? Slow […]
8th April 2017

Types of Websites

  When you first time meet your website developer, than they will ask one common question that what type of website do you want? That time you are sure about you requirement but you may not be respond him/her as you don’t know the terminology of Web Developing Environment. Let me explain you about some basic information about Types of Website. Now this article will help you for your esteemed company or firm to make your website development as per your requirement. Types of Websites As the end user how do you know which type of website to choose for […]
23rd November 2015

Web Designer V/S Web Developer:Differences in the Work Pattern

Website is quite a common term to everyone these days. Even children at their teen have access to the term. Still many who are closely associated with websites do not know the fundamental difference between the terms namely website designing and website development.    There are educated professionals who include custom website development as a subcategory of website designing. The reality is that both terms are separate entities having some relatively close connections.   For making things more simple, let us put it in such a way that a website has two faces; one the front end that is visible […]
27th June 2015

Which Programming Language Should I Learn First [ XpertLab ]?

Before choosing your first programming language, you should also check out this XpertLab on What Is Programming And What Do Programmers Do. So you want to learn programming. Maybe you have asked your developer friends for recommendations and get different answers. They explained with terms that you don’t understand (what is object-oriented?!). To help you to pick your first programming language to learn, here is an easy-to-understand XpertLab that recommends the best option, depending on your purpose and interest. Details such as learning difficulty, popularity, and average salary for each computer programming language are provided too. I have also compiled a list of best programming tools and […]