
14th July 2023

Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch is a popular framework of Sencha for creating a user interface for mobile applications. It helps the developer create a mobile app using simple HTML, CSS, and JS which supports many mobile devices such as Android, IOS, BlackBerry, and Windows. It is based on MVC architecture. The latest version of Sencha Touch is 2.4. History of Sencha Touch After releasing Sencha’s other product, ExtJs, which was for web applications, there was a need to develop a framework that works on mobile devices too. The first version of Sencha Touch was the 0.9 beta version, which supported Android and […]
1st July 2023

Identifying vulnerabilities in GitHub Actions & AWS OIDC Configurations

In 2021, GitHub released support for OpenID Connect (OIDC) for GitHub Actions (GHA), allowing developers to securely interact with their infrastructure resources in Amazon Web Services (AWS), and other major cloud service providers. The OIDC support allows GHA jobs to retrieve short-lived session tokens on-demand rather than using the private key and credential files as secrets. Inner workings of AWS OIDC + GitHub One of the cloud providers that supports using OpenID Connect with GHA is AWS. In order to configure OIDC in AWS, two things are needed: an IAM role and an Identity provider that can be linked to […]
29th June 2023

DevOps vs CI/CD: Key Differences You Need To Know

What is CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery)? Continuous Integration CI stands for Continuous Integration. It is a software development process/ technique whereby the new changes which are supposed to improve the code’s performance are updated automatically. Code changes by multiple software developers are integrated and updated automatically into a single database. It is a process by which the network of developers is committed to a central codebase, like stash or GitHub. The main function of Continuous Integration (CI) is to perform bug testing by assessing the code and integrating it across the development team. This leads to improvement in the quality of the code as it […]
14th June 2023

How to use the Google Play Console internal testing feature and launch the perfect apps

The number of apps and app users is increasing in leaps and bounds every day. The Google Play Store alone hosts more than 2 million apps, making it the largest app store. More and more businesses are willing to enter the app market and turn their website into APKs. As a result, many DIY WooCommerce Android app makers​ and iOS app builders have emerged in the market. It has become easier to create your own apps, test, and launch it on the app stores using specific tools and features. Today, we will be discussing one such feature that was launched by Google recently. So, stay […]
3rd June 2023

Mojo: The Programming Language for AI That Is Up To 35000x Faster Than Python

Introducing Mojo — the new programming language for AI developers. MOJO is to Python what Typescript is to Javascript. I know what you might be thinking — a new AI programming language to learn from scratch … Well, I have good news, Mojo is designed as a superset of Python, so if you already know Python learning Mojo shouldn’t be hard. But that’s not all. Mojo combines the usability of Python with the performance of C obtaining a speed that is up to 35000x faster than Python. If you’re into AI and already know Python, Mojo is definitely worth a […]
1st May 2023


The core difference between GraphQL and REST APIs is that GraphQL is a specification, a query language, while REST is an architectural concept for network-based software. GraphQL is gaining momentum as a successor to REST APIs. However, it isn’t always a “replacement”, and making the decision to opt for GraphQL comes with several considerations. Traditionally and when used “out of the box”, REST has had limitations like multiple network requests and overfetching data. To overcome these, Facebook developed GraphQL as an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs. GraphQL is a syntax for requesting data and lets you specify […]
6th April 2023

Behind The Scenes: International Keyboard Shortcuts

I didn’t know much about keyboards going into this project. As a software engineer on Figma’s Editor Usability team, my day-to-day typically focuses on the design editor experience. Turns out, keyboard shortcuts are a big part of that. These preset key combinations are essential for efficient, intuitive workflows and have a host of accessibility benefits—such as making it easier to access menus and functions. Yet Figma’s many shortcuts were originally designed based on US keyboards, which meant that they didn’t work for many other types of keyboards. Our team began seeing a steady stream of shortcut-related bug reports as users encountered […]
1st April 2023

Enrolling in the Apple Developer

Enrolling in the Apple Developer and Verifying Your Identity with the Apple Developer App Enrolling in the Apple Developer, Developers in select regions1 around the world can use the Apple Developer app to enroll in the Apple Developer Program and to verify their identity for other processes. Enrolling in the Apple Developer Program as an individual If you’re an individual or sole proprietor/single-person business, follow these steps to enroll in the Apple Developer Program through the Apple Developer app on iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Before you begin, you’ll need: Start enrollment Enter your personal information Complete purchase Review your annual membership subscription details and tap or click the Subscribe button. Membership is provided on an […]
30th March 2023

Sanity Testing

Sanity testing is a type of software testing that aims to quickly evaluate whether the basic functionality of a new software build is working correctly or not. It is usually performed on builds that are in the initial stages of development, before the full regression testing is performed. Sanity testing is limited in scope and typically focuses on critical functionality and does not aim to uncover every possible error or bug in the system. It is a quick and lightweight way to ensure that the software is functioning as expected before further testing is conducted. Sanity Testing is a subset of […]
4th March 2023

What Is Unity? Get Started With Game Development Using Unity

Released way back in 2005, Unity has risen to the pinnacle of game development for both 3D and 2D games over the years. Today, it holds the bragging rights for 27 target deployment platforms, including Android, iOS, and Windows. This blog takes a look at what it is, what makes Unity so popular, and how aspiring and professional game developers can get started with the platform. What Is Unity? Unity is a popular game development engine with a visual interface for creating games and simulations for cross-platforms. While being proficient in both 3D and 2D games, Unity’s primary goal is […]
3rd March 2023

Discover and Master the After Effects Trim Paths

The trim path is a feature in After Effects that I used the most to create animated strokes, hand-drawn animated text, animated loading bar and a lot more… The After Effects trim path allows you to customize and animate a vector path. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to create a trim path, animate it and customize the trim path to your need. Finally, I also give you some goodies like the After Effects project source files so you can use them or see how I have created the trim path animation. www.adobe.com/in/products/aftereffects.html Now let’s get straight to it […]
25th February 2023

Accepting Things As They Are: Why and How to Do It

Life is full of situations that shouldn’t be the way they are! Sometimes you can fix these situations, but sometimes you can’t. Accepting things as they are is a powerful way to cope with situations that you don’t want or shouldn’t happen. Many things in life are beyond your control. Examples are everywhere: traffic, the weather, a burst bathroom pipe, difficult family members, or the death of a loved one — all things you don’t want or need, but things you cannot always prevent. Not having control over things can make you feel sad, angry, frustrated, or anxious. Sometimes people […]