Website Design

6th September 2016

Understanding Critical CSS

The web is slow, yet there are a few simple strategies to make websites faster. One of them is inlining critical CSS into the <head> of your pages, yet how exactly do you do it if your site contains hundreds of pages, or even worse, hundreds of different templates? You can’t do it manually. Dean Hume explains an easy way to get it done. If you’re a seasoned web developer, you might find the article obvious and self-explanatory, but it’s a good piece to show to your clients and junior developers for sure. elivering a fast, smooth web experience is […]
23rd November 2015

Web Designer V/S Web Developer:Differences in the Work Pattern

Website is quite a common term to everyone these days. Even children at their teen have access to the term. Still many who are closely associated with websites do not know the fundamental difference between the terms namely website designing and website development.    There are educated professionals who include custom website development as a subcategory of website designing. The reality is that both terms are separate entities having some relatively close connections.   For making things more simple, let us put it in such a way that a website has two faces; one the front end that is visible […]
20th August 2015

Understanding Critical CSS

The web is slow, yet there are a few simple strategies to make websites faster. One of them is inlining critical CSS into the <head> of your pages, yet how exactly do you do it if your site contains hundreds of pages, or even worse, hundreds of different templates? You can’t do it manually. Dean Hume explains an easy way to get it done. If you’re a seasoned web developer, you might find the article obvious and self-explanatory, but it’s a good piece to show to your clients and junior developers for sure. Delivering a fast, smooth web experience is […]
27th June 2015

Which Programming Language Should I Learn First [ XpertLab ]?

Before choosing your first programming language, you should also check out this XpertLab on What Is Programming And What Do Programmers Do. So you want to learn programming. Maybe you have asked your developer friends for recommendations and get different answers. They explained with terms that you don’t understand (what is object-oriented?!). To help you to pick your first programming language to learn, here is an easy-to-understand XpertLab that recommends the best option, depending on your purpose and interest. Details such as learning difficulty, popularity, and average salary for each computer programming language are provided too. I have also compiled a list of best programming tools and […]
16th June 2015

When & Why to Use PHP Framework?

Over the last few years web development industry has seen ground breaking changes in frameworks. As the time has gone popular PHP frameworks like Laravel, Phalcon, Symfony, Zend and CodeIgniter have just got more bigger and better and become handy tool for developers to build giant application effortlessly. PHP is one of the widely used languages for web development and almost every reputed CMS system use PHP as a base programming language. Some really popular CMS like WordPress and Joomla are written in PHP and one of the widely accepted and giant eCommerce system called Magento has been built with […]
16th March 2015

25-point Website Usability Checklist

  Web design project can be pretty vast, even the simplest of designs would require extensive planning and implementation and would have to follow an entire process to successfully complete it. It’s quite possible to miss out certain things amidst all that madness. Once you have a checklist in place its easy to do a follow up and strike off tasks as you proceed towards the completion of the project. A perfect checklist would obviously come with experience, so here’s what I thought should be included in a designer’s checklist. While drafting a checklist, how deep you want to delve […]
16th February 2015

PHP v/s – Which Language is More Influencing 2015?

As we all know that there are several programming languages that used for web designing, but two most powerful programming languages are PHP and ASP.NET. But out of these two languages, which one is more influencing or ruling the market. Let’s have a look on this XpertLab and decide!
14th February 2015

Learn CSS With Puns & Jokes

Most web design languages tend to be quite sober. We can’t help that; we’re very serious about what we do. HTML. PHP. JavaScript. Not even a little smile from them. But when it comes to CSS, things can be quite different. Things can be hilarious! The CSS Puns & Jokes Series : #titanic .sniper-mode-engaged #periodic #chucknorris #nsa .oliver-queen .ninja .obese .yomama .wife .delorean .illuminati
11th February 2015

Why Your Website Should Be Mobile Friendly

Industry experts agree – in the near future, we will witness a dynamic growth of everything that relates to mobile. The use of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets is on the rise – Cisco predicts that by 2018, there will be more mobile devices connected to the internet than people on earth! Mobile platforms can be used by brands to foster consumer engagement – in fact, mobile is expected to become increasingly important in providing a great user experience and improve conversion rates. That’s why web developers should never forget to optimize their websites for mobile devices. How to […]